Author: dkhafif
#CASE: Charge Now !
#E-Mobility, CarIT, #Charge, #Bilanzkreis, #CASE Hier mein Beitrag über die aktuelle Situation der Ladeinfrastruktur in Deutschland
How to describe the indescribability
German political magazine EPO (“EntwicklungsPolitik Online”) published my dossier on the geostrategical war of ressources and access to energy and power.
The Bing House, Cologne
“Von Glanz und Elend”, Title by german newspaper “Kölner Stadt Anzeiger” introducing the famous “Bing” House, named by former german jewish family Bing. The Bing family lived in Cologne during generations until the NS – regime expulsed them from their home. Comments as well on Twitter, see:
Bestselling Book: the mysterious Monk
Co-author with Yolanda Garca Landez teaching spanish using a crime novel
Morocc “n” Rolls
Zagreus: Stage, Diner and Event. Grea Location in former jewish steam bath in Mitte of Berlin, Germany: Best kitchen, best art, best stage for new horizons and genuine food and wine.